Thursday, March 20, 2008

Should I try my luck in Manila?

I never really contemplated on what to do after graduation. I am very open to possibilities of employment anywhere. I just want settle on what fate gives me. But, there’s something to reliance on fate that people find wrong. Some people think that I am bound for something really big and that I should strive to work towards it. People say that success comes for those who are able to take risk and give unmatchable effort. If I continue to wait, these people would think I’m lazy and irresponsible. That is why I’m caught in the middle between ‘waiting’ and ‘striving.’ I mean, both actually have the same implications sooner or later. If I wait and end up jobless, that’s one great frustration. The same degree of downfall also would happen if I exert too much effort but in the long-run end up jobless. Sigh.

I’ve got offers but I am not really sure what to grab, or better yet if these offers are really the things meant for me. I am planning to stay in Manila not because of the high pay, but because it is the best venue for my growth and learning. I always love challenge and this is one thing I would surely experience in Manila.

But considering the risks involved- being away from my family for the first time, being independent (cooking and doing laundry on my own… which I am not really used to do), and basically deciding on my own on financial and other matters- I think it would be really hard. I’m so confused. Should I leave Naga? What should I do?