Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Recently, I lost a friend for good. Some say I was the one who messed up. Yeah, I did something wrong. But I never really regret it. I believe what I did was right. But it sure hell hurts to lose someone important… again. Sigh.

I tend to limit my friends to a few numbers not because I am not as sociable as others but because of the fear that I may somehow get too attached to the point that these people are the ones influencing and persuading me what to do. More than that, I guess I am not just ready on the downside of having few friends… It hurts when they leave.

I remain optimistic despite the fact that I am back to where it all began. I will start from scratch. Again, by making people realize that I am not a geek, Mr. Industrious, and Mr. Know-it-all. I will make new friends. I will befriend people and treat them just the same.

At least I know that God is with me. ^__^