Monday, March 10, 2008

A friend's Core Principles

1. Wars are not inevitable, therefore are avoidable.
2. Concealment of your emotions is the way to escape conflict.
3. Stand for what is right, even if what is right leads to injustice and risk to human welfare.
4. It is fun to suffer: Filipinos stay poor because they enjoy experiencing poverty.
5. Fighting back is a sign of immaturity.
6. Aspire for a mature life: think, behave, and act like an adult. Do not mingle with the childish and the childlike.
7. Aim for the ideal: it is possible to achieve perfection. Try and Try.
8. In living a goal-driven life, there’s no room for enjoyment.
9. Do not admit that you’re vulnerable, even if it is obvious.
10. Sharing your life to a limited number of people is not a sign of fear of a bigger world.
11. Live out your principles; everything else is nothing but bunch of craps.
12. Life is an opportunity to prove one’s worth, not to prove one’s being.
13. Follow your own perception of faith and reject other ideas.
14. Seek comfort with yourself, not with your acquaintances.
15. Apply the concepts of the past: It is the ultimate standard of perfection.
16. Sometimes, it is okay not to act genuinely you.
17. Personal judgment is not a form of attack.
18. Do not seek for personal growth: reject new ideas and become the living proof that your philosophy works.
19. Invest more on thinking, not on doing.
20. Stay different. It’s one way of assessing one’s strength.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Rizal's Noli and Fili:Analysis on Selected Chapters

Selected Chapters on Rizal’s El Filibusterismo
February 27, 2008

о ₪ Basilio ₪ о

It is almost time for Christmas Eve midnight mass when Basilio secretly makes his way to the forest previously owned by the Ibarra family. He visited his mother’s grave and reminisced what had happened in the last thirteen years of his life. Basilio was sent to study and was even sent to Ateneo to take up medicine through the help of Capitan Tiago. He is in his last year of studies and will be a physician in a couple of months. He plans to retire in his hometown and to marry his sweetheart Juliana.

Issues: Generosity, Second chances, love for studies, dedication towards work

“We see here a reversal of fortunes: the boy who used to wander the streets, dirty, unkempt and disdained by society, is now about to become a respected physician. I see it as Rizal’s way of showing that there is always hope and chances for people and for the country to achieve growth and development. It all lies on the extreme passion towards work and diligence in putting into heart every task a person have to accomplish. Basilio actually serve as a medium to make the readers realize that more work plus a little luck will always lead to a positive outcome. The country has yet to discover that the only way to success is through putting people’s hearts in the achievement of a sole purpose. There should be unity among Filipinos. All must be driven to work for the goal and be united to live out the dream of progress. The Filipinos, especially the youth, have all the potential to achieve whatever they want to achieve. They have the time and the capabilities. Filipinos are naturally patient and industrious which are good traits of a dedicated worker. Filipinos must seek success and strive for their personal growth and development. If all will work and become successful, it will create a domino effect leading to economic and social progress: the ultimate aims of Rizal. Educate Filipinos and they will surely be more capable and more progressive.”

о ₪ Simoun ₪ о

Simoun begins digging for the treasure buried thirteen years ago in the same forest Basilio was. Basilio announces his presence and acknowledges Simoun as the person who helped Basilio bury his mother, the latter however, points a revolver at Basilio. Fortunately for Basilio, Simoun does not pull the trigger even if he realizes that Basilio’s newfound knowledge jeopardizes the plans of Simoun. The two had a discussion between Science (or medicine) and Politics (or the aspiration to be an independent nation).and the ways to improve the Philippine system. Basilio advocates reliance on Spain especially since he believes Spanish can unite the people not only with the Government, but with other peoples in other islands. Simoun, on the other hand advocated a total transition which can be attained, as he believes, through a bloody revolution.

Issues: love for the country, hope, conflicting ideas, different approaches,

“Some people say that this chapter is one of the more powerful chapters of Jose Rizal’s El Filibusterismo. I certainly do agree. It somehow depicted thoroughly the idea that the there are two approaches that Filipinos can use to achieve growth and development: its either they stay as Spain’s colony or they set a bloody socio-political uprising. In one of Simoun’s rebuttal statements, he uttered the statement, “A people without character, and a nation without liberty.” Do we Filipinos really lack a culture that is uniquely ours? Or are we a confused blend of Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, American and other cultures? Then again, it does not necessarily mean we lack an identity, I guess we still have truly Filipino qualities. Elias, just like Basilio, was also for independence of the nation, but he did not support violent methods. Simoun is Machiavellian in the sense that he believes that the end justifies the means. Between the two, I choose to stand with the ideas of Simoun. You see, time had already passed and a not so much has really changed. The country is still in the midst of extreme oppression. Use of pro-life approaches never really worked. It is about time that someone rise up and lead the people to put an end to the problems of social injustices. Simoun was the one.”

о ₪ Merry Christmas ₪ о

The miracle that Juli expected did not happen — there was no money at the foot of the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. All that remained there were Juli’s prayers. As a result, Juli resigned herself to serving as Hermana Penchang’s maid to raise money for ransom after some bandits kidnapped Cabesang Tales, Tandang Selo’s son. Tandang Selo didn’t have any gifts to give to anyone. His granddaughter was going to become a maid and she didn’t even greet him "Merry Christmas." Women passing by the house notice that Selo is mute. Of course the bad news quickly spreads through the chismis or gossip network. Selo’s woes don’t end there. His son, Cabesang Tales, is still missing. With all these misfortunes, including his son’s land being unjustly taken away, it’s no wonder that Selo discovers he can no longer speak.

Issues: grieve misfortunes, sacrifice, strong irrational faith, hopelessness, love for family

“Christmas is supposed to be a time for people to celebrate and have fun. It is supposed to be a time for people to exchange gifts, family reunions, make salo- salo on Christmas Eve, and appreciate how much other people love us. Unfortunately, these are often undone by the people who had experienced grieve misfortunes over the year. Some people tend to condemn God for the miserable things that have had happened to them. Some, but a I guess only a few, rely predominantly on their faith as the only way to resolve the problems that they are encountering. Our family always prepares something for Christmas and it’s odd to think that we celebrate when in fact there are a lot of people who do not really have the comfort of a family and the joy of having something during the important celebration for the season. Tandang Selo, as one person who couldn’t take life’s catastrophes, is one of them. He lost his sons, some properties and now, he is about to lose her granddaughter as a sacrifice to take a little something back. Sigh. What would you do if all the things that matter to you slowly are taken away from you? What would you do when you are penniless, pitied, and alone as you watch the entire community celebrating Jesus’ birth? Well, if I were in his situation, I guess I would end up losing my mind (worse case scenario). I deeply value the things I care for and I couldn’t even imagine a time when I would be bound to leave all these things behind. I think I would bring a strong fight for these not to be away from me, even if it would mean sacrificing some things. I love my family, more than anything. I would do anything for them. “

о ₪ Pilates ₪ о

The town is abuzz with talk about the misfortunes of Selo and his family, and already a number of people are claiming they are not to blame. The alferez or lieutenant of the guardia civil said he was merely following orders when he confiscated the weapons of Cabesang Tales and it was not his fault if Tales was subsequently kidnapped. The person grabbing Tales’ land likewise said he was not the person to blame bcause he argued that if Tales remained at home (and not patrolled the land), he would not have been kidnapped. Hermana Penchang, Juli’s new mistress, said she does not feel responsible either for Juli’s circumstances. Instead, she blames Old Man Selo because he does not know how to pray (and neither did he teach Juli how to pray properly). Hence, Hermana Penchang took it upon herself to teach Juli; she also asked Juli to read the book Tandang Basiong Macunat, a late 1800s Tagalog narrative about how Indios should trust only in the friars and shun learning (because it leads to sin). It’s funny to read how Hermana Penchang appears scandalized when Juli does not pause at the "proper" words in the Hail Mary, or when Juli stresses the wrong syllable in some Latin prayers.

Cabesang Tales does show up in his house. He discovers that his dad no longer speaks, that his land is being taken away, that he is being evicted from his home, and that Juli is now a lowly maid.

Issues: Scapegoat, discrimination, lack of knowledge

“The chapter showcased the severity of situation experienced by the family of Tandang Selo. We all know for the fact that the people talk about their misfortunes, but the thing that makes it hard for them is the fact that no one really admits their involvement in such hideous acts. Do Filipinos force somebody to take the blame for them? At some point, I agree, but Filipinos for me are more of the ones abused and the ones who are the subject of the conflict of who’s who and who’s not. When I watched the ABS-CBN program NOYPI: Pinoy Ikaw ba ‘to?, I realized that Filipinos often take responsibility of things even if they are not really obliged to do such. We see a lot of beggars around being given food by generous passers, people who were entertained and guided when they asked someone the right direction to a certain place and people who are helped in making their assignments at Xavier Hall. I see that one of the important traits of the Filipinos is the consideration of social acceptance which is manifested on the way they help others. Filipinos wholeheartedly reach out to others even if they never know who they are helping. It somehow becomes socially unacceptable if one ignored an old lady asking him to accompany her cross the street. This inherent trait in the Philippine culture of not to scapegoat is often abused and misunderstood. Because of the lack of knowledge of some Filipinos, they are often cheated when it comes to business matters. You will not be surprised to see Filipinos filing a complaint against a foreign businessman for issuing a bouncing check, for signing an invalid contract and even for promising them he would help in business operation but not disclosing the fact that it will be done illegally. Poor Filipinos. I strongly support Rizal’s argument of educating Filipinos. I believe it is the only way for them to realize their full potentiality.”

о ₪ Wealth and Misery ₪ о

Simoun visits the house of Cabesang Tales located between the towns of San Diego and Tiani. Tales is impoverished, but Simoun brings food and other necessities, along with cases of jewelry. Simoun shows off his revolver or pistol to Tales. Soon, the jewelry buyers arrive: Capitan Basilio, Capitana Tika, Sinang (and her husband and child), and Hermana Penchang (who wants to buy a diamond ring for the Blessed Virgin at Antipolo). Simoun opens the two pieces of luggage filled with jewelries of different types, shapes and histories. Some of the jewelry include:
Necklace of Cleopatra
Rings found in the ruins of Carthage
Some treasures brought back by Hannibal after the Battle of Cannae
Ring of Sulla
Earrings found in the villa of Annius Mucius Papilinus in Pompeii
Sapphire from Ceylon, emeralds from Peru, ruby, turquoises from Persia, diamonds (black, rosy, green)
Ring of the Princess of Lamballe
Pendants to a lady-in-waiting of Marie Antoinette
Oriental mother-of-pearl
Others from the Golconda mines

None of the buyers were interested in the old, historical jewels, so Simoun brought out the modern ones. Simoun also wanted to buy something, so he asked Cabesang Tales if he had any jewelry for sale. Sinang reminds Tales about the locket given to Juli. Simoun immediately offered Five Hundred Pesos because that was the locket of his love, Maria Clara. Hermana Penchang reminds Tales that Juli chose to become a maid over selling that locket, so Tales decides to consult first with Juli. Tales goes out to meet his daughter, but along the way sees the friar and the new tenant of Tales’ land. Those insensitive two laugh at Tales when they see him. Tales felt as if some guy took his wife to a private room and laughed at him before entering the room. Tales does not go to see his daughter. Instead, he follows those two men.

Simoun orders his servants to proceed to Los Baños via the lake. He, on the other hand, decides to travel on land. Simoun is delighted to discover that the guardia civil have arrested Tandang Selo only to realize that this will anger Tales even more. It turns out that Tales murdered three people the previous evening: the friar, the new tenant, and his wife. It was a gruesome murder: their mouths were filled with soil, the wife’s neck was slashed, and the other two had been shot in the head. Beside the wife’s corpse was a note with Tales’ name finger-traced in blood. The chapter ends with a sarcastic assurance to the citizens of Calamba that they will not be blamed for the crime committed by Tales.

Issues: promises, vengeance, important values, cruelty

“Bloody Hell! - This was the thing I said after I read the chapter. Who would have thought that the chapter would end with such cruelty? How far will people go as they seek vengeance? Are they willing to commit crimes like murder just to secure to them the revenge they seek? The society will never forgive Tales for what he did but some part of me wanted to justify his decision to do such. I have really never been in a situation when I actually lost a lot so I really couldn’t empathize with him. But, considering how intense he valued his land and important properties, and even his family, which was all taken away from him, I think it is really worth avenging for. The irony is that Tales was in a situation with a very little emphasis on human dignity and justice. He had no choice. Maybe he may have even lost his mind. Tsk Tsk. “

Tags: El Filibusterismo
Posted by mikearevalo at 3:59 pm | permalink | Add comment
Selected Chapters on Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere

о ₪ The Oppressed ₪ о

Elias looked for Capitan Pablo in the forest. He was taken to a cave where they talked about the plan of attack. Elias suggested to avoid the shredding of innocent blood and convinced the people urging for an attack to entrust their lives to Ibarra. Elias suggested that Ibarra will try to propose peaceful measures before they venture into their plan of bloody attack. After all, according to Elias, the unarmed always pay.

Issues: Plot to execute a plan of revolution: hopelessness, promotion of other people’s welfare, revenge

“The chapter actually talked about an important plot to execute a plan of revolution against the Spanish oppression. It depicted the struggle of the Filipinos to start a bloody uprising to secure freedom from injustices and to ultimately promote people’s human dignity. The story presented conflict as to the different motivations of the characters such as cravings for vengeance, and unbearable sufferings they have experienced. It showcased the hopelessness of the people and their courageous way of trying to resolve the problem… through a forceful revolution. It depicted the moral legacies of Rizal relating to love for the country, initiative, love for justice, will-power, self-sacrifice, and I guess the most important of all, self-control. The people then have had endured the brutalities of the colonizers and for that, I salute them. Their self-control, more manifested in their patience and courage not to give up, was so remarkable. Knowing that there was a plan to carry out an attack, it is nice to know that the Filipinos as portrayed in Rizal’s work were not really vulnerable and stupid. It’s up to us, the present Filipinos, to prove it and live by the challenge.”

о ₪ The Cockpit ₪ о

At the cockpit arena, Lucas approaches Bruno and Tarsilo, recruiting them to attack the town barracks. Lucas declares that aside from joining the attack organized by Ibarra against the barracks, they can exact their revenge on the members of the guardia civil who killed their father.

Issues: Gambling, greed, prestige, honor, power, sacrifice, vengeance

“This chapter made me realize that Filipinos are indeed very fond of gambling. In fact, today, there are a number of games-of-luck that Filipinos wholeheartedly patronize. Not to mention jueting, cockfighting, mahjong, lotto, bingo, tic-tac-toe, and many more. Who wouldn’t complain now that the price of lotto ticket went doubled? I have nothing against these things. For a fact, I know that Filipinos really wanted to earn fast and easy. The ironic thing is they spend whatever they have (or won) so fast that they are left with nothing for savings. They become stagnant, and relied so much with these games. They believe that it is more than just having money to spend; it also leads to having prestige, honor, and power. If a person won a 34 million lotto jackpot, he would instantly be the talk-of-the-town; others may even claim him as a long lost relative just to have a part on the winnings or have a balato. However, gambling changes a person. People who have tasted staying at the pedestal of richness and fame, tend to become addicted with the game and very eager to win, even if it would mean losing all his properties. People become so greedy. Others were forced to sacrifice, and “kumapit sa patalim”. Thus, they lose track of what are really important- like love, family and life of simplicity. For others, it may seem be true that it is more than just a game… it is life in itself. But life is more than just that. It is about reaching for the goals of genuine happiness and success by working for it; not on mere reliance on luck.”

о ₪ Two Ladies ₪ о

Doña Victorina and Don Tiburcio pass by the house of the alferez, as Doña Consolacion mocks and ridicules Doña Espadaña and her crippled husband. The two women start exchanging insults and almost get into a fight that is averted by the arrival of the alferez and Padre Salvi. To defend her honor, Doña Victorina asks Linares to challenge the alferez to a duel.

Issues: the Trying hard Filipino, Discrimination, Trying to belong, bragging about a person’s accomplishment, superiority

“The chapter was able to capture my attention by making me realize the fact that Filipinos indeed have embraced the western culture. People tried to relate to others by adopting the traditions not genuinely their own. Look at yourself and try to see how the culture of the foreign people has changed you. I can’t help but notice the transition of the Filipino dresses before and when the colonizers came in to the country. Before, it is okay for Filipinos to wear bahag, cover their bodies with tattoos, and perhaps wear tribal accessories. When the colonizers came and somehow imposed to do this and that, Filipinos [ironically] responded nicely. Women wore long shoulder-to-toe dresses, huge hats, and lesser accessories. Men wore long sleeves, and pants. These things I find funny because the country is a tropical one and there is no doubt that the clothes make them look inappropriate. Women end up carrying rattan-made fans just to relieve themselves from extreme heat. Haha. You see, the culture of the Filipinos is different from the culture of Spain and so as in other countries. Culture includes language, geographical stats, and of course, climate. Spanish people wore big dresses because the temperature in Europe is not as hot as it is here in the Philippines. Their houses are made of bricks to make their walls thick and protect them from intense cold. They have chimneys to serve as their way to raise body temperature back to normal when at their homes during winter. I don’t see the point why Filipinos have to embrace all these without question nor hesitation. Why do they have to wear long dresses? Why do they have to make house with walls so thick? Why do they dream of having their household fireplace? Do they consider themselves cool or superior when they have such? Sigh. Today, there is no room for a “trying-hard” Filipino here in the country. After all, these trying-to-belong and trying-to-have-the-latest are the ones who promote discrimination. They brag at things they don’t have and on the person their not. Let us not be like Doña Victorina. Filipinos are more than just copycats.”

о ₪ A Puzzle ₪ о

Ibarra wishes to inform Maria Clara that his excommunication is lifted, but upon arriving at her house, he sees Maria Clara with Linares. He is invited to come into the house, but he visits instead the site of the school building, asking the supervisor, Ñor Juan about its progress.

Issue: Jealousy, Hope, Love, Joy of freedom, forced marriage

“Who had known forced marriage existed (or is existing) here in the country? Well, I know. I have a friend whose parents set her arranged marriage. I totally disagree on the plan, in fact, as a whole on the parent’s intrusion to decide on the child’s future. I see it as a wrong way of showing love and concern. If I will be a parent someday (surely I will), I will leave my sons and daughters to decide on their own and make mistakes. It is from learning from their mistakes that they understand life’s realities. We are not defined on the wrong choices that we make but on the way we respond on these wrong decisions. Love is not about pushing them to what’s good for them. It is about making our loved ones feel that you stand by their side in every courses of action they take as they seek for happiness. Genuine love should never be broken by jealousy and selfish desires. It must remain strong despite the challenges it face. It must live with hope and trust. One must realize its importance as it stems from our own individual freedom. We may not realize it yet, but be are so fortunate that we are given freedom to do whatever we want. However, it should never be abused, but rather be used as a way to reach out to others, to consider other people’s welfare and to make sound decisions. Be a better citizen. Serve the community. Love the country. Live by what Rizal want Filipinos to be.”

о ₪ Spokesman of the Oppressed ₪ о

Elias meets Ibarra at the lakeside. He narrates the conversation he has had with Capitan Pablo. Elias says that, Ibarra, because of his education and position in society, can ask the Spanish government to implement radical reforms such as fewer privileges for religious corporations, security for a citizen and more respect for a man’s dignity. Ibarra objects, saying that such institutions as the priesthood, religious corporations, and the guardia civil, are necessary evils that must be tolerated by the society.

Issues: False hope, struggle, persuasion, love for others,

“The chapter showcased an opposing opinion of two important characters in the novels of Rizal. I like to believe that this is the most important chapter in Noli Me Tangere. It depicted contrary views on how the country can be able to attain progress. Is it by letting the colonizers lead us towards it but endure their unjust treatment? Or is it by aspiring for freedom and independence and relying on our own to God-knows-where-it-would-take-us? Despite the strong arguments of Ibarra, I tend to believe Elias. The Filipinos have had enough sufferings that it is about time top end it. The colonizers may lead us towards progress but where is the achievement in that, when we are not the ones who pioneered it? Isn’t it right that we stand on our own and claim what is rightfully ours? Isn’t it time to have our lands named after our own accounts and not on foreign people? Is it too much to demand justice and security of human dignity? We may have a lot of benefits from the colonizers but these never compensate the brutalities they give us. In fact, it such continues, assuming that I was there in those times, we will end up relying in them predominantly and somehow getting “immune” with the maltreatment they bestow upon us. What could be worse than having the history know the Filipinos to be vulnerable and so irrational? What could be worse than having Webster define Filipinos as the abused race, or the couldn’t-stand-on-its-own race? Sigh. I think this poses a challenge to the Filipinos even as of today. We must use our intellect to assess situations and fight for what we believe is right. Filipinos are not weaklings. We are patient but brave, and silent but marked by a burning passion to succeed. “



Growth and Development Strategy Framework
The strategy on the economic development of Bombon Camarines Sur is adopted from the LED or Local Economic Development strategy and the MDGs. The six broad themes are: sustainable economic growth through free enterprise; social protection; social development; infrastructure development, improvement in education, focusing on agriculture and tourism sectors and improving governance.
a. Focusing on Present Enterprises
Encouraging local business growth
Encouraging local business growth involves providing advice, support and resources to enable existing local businesses to grow
The aim is to provide the most attractive business environment possible so that the businesses that are already established in the area can stay and grow.
These strategies are sometimes called business retention and expansion strategies. Most economic growth in municipality is likely to be generated by small and medium sized businesses that are already established such municipality. The range of initiatives to support local businesses is vast and some can be expensive, but others are not. The number of business establishments in Bombon as of the moment is quite low. Businesses, however are essential components of economic growth, that is why focusing on such aspect is highly considered. The strategy in line with the business growth towards economic development for Bombon shall include the following:
Business retention visits and surveys
By visiting and surveying each firm one is able to identify its problems, how the business is performing, where it sources its inputs from, whether it is expanding and so on. The core of the strategy is to be able to persuade business owners to source more inputs locally, identify and finance training and skills needs, help strategy formulation process and so on. Perhaps the most important role these dialogues with small businesses can have is to forestall a business leaving the area.
Entrepreneurship training and SME support programs
The city's mainstream programs could be adopted to meet specific needs of this target group and area. Local delivery of services could be helpful.
Technical assistance
This can include broad based management and marketing programs, quality and environmental standards training and advice through to more specialized export training or research and development support. The focus here should be on providing accredited, demand-led, technical assistance, paid for on a fee-for-service basis if possible. Often these services are provided through one stop business service centers.
Financial advice and assistance
One of the hardest issues for businesses is to access capital. An appropriate financial support program will be able to give advice and training on financial planning, access to capital and credit etc. In some cases it may be possible to establish small grant or loan programs to encourage, for example, investment in modern technology. Great care should be taken with these to ensure fairness and these schemes should always be transparent. It is essential that residents of Bombon, particularly those engaged in businesses are able to avail support from money-lending institutions backed by government assistance. The program aims to lessen the gap between these institutions and the businesses to open up opportunities for business growth.
Public procurement policies and "buy local" campaigns
These are local business friendly policies where the local government, public sector organizations and larger local businesses make their contracts more accessible to local companies. This has to be done within fair-practice laws normally. Initiatives could include adjusting the size of contracts so that smaller companies may bid, encouraging and accepting bids from groups of local companies, holding procurement events for local businesses, publishing local business competency directories and so on.
Bureaucracy reduction programs
The amount of permits and approvals that businesses need to obtain, and the time it takes to obtain them, are not only expensive and time consuming, they can also be a disincentive to register into the formal economy or expand. A good place to start is to review existing regulations and laws, consult with stakeholders and develop a remedial plan. This will include an internal local government process and also it may well include a lobbying program to reduce bureaucracy in other government areas. A program to minimize the complexity, costs and bureaucracy associated with approval processes will improve the competitiveness of your area.
Provision of sites and premises
Since there are local authorities who own industrial and commercial land and buildings within the municipality, they can use their assets to encourage business investment and expansion. A good understanding of the local property market should enable a local authority to plan for growth. Funding such hard infrastructure investments is a challenge, however, rents and sales should provide a market return for the authority, the option of private sector intervention or partnership should always be examined to ensure best use of local authority resources.
b. Promotion of Business Ventures
Encouraging new enterprises
Encouraging new enterprises involves providing advice, technical support, information and resources to help individuals to set up their own businesses in the form of sole traders, partnerships, cooperatives, community enterprises and so on. The major product categories that are highly encouraged are those that promote local tourism, and local products abundantly found within the municipality of Bombon. The strategy aims to consider Bombon as one place worthy of visit, not just because of its historical landmarks and amazing waterfalls; it also considers as an intermediate plan the development of the livelihood of the townspeople through assisting them to venture into their own businesses. As such, programs and projects in line with this strategy include:
Provision of finance for new businesses
Micro-enterprise financial support is the key to enabling businesses to start up as they usually cannot access traditional lending and investment institutions. Micro-enterprise financing is a specialist area and is well documented. As some may know, most Filipinos are hesitant to venture into a business because of the risk involved and the start-up capital. Not known to them that there are many examples of largely private successful micro-enterprise support institutions, all of which need some money to start with, but that can become self sustaining, through revolving funds. Local authorities normally become involved in these schemes by meeting with micro-enterprise institutions to assess forms of support needed and ways of collaboration. It is not normal for Local Authorities to be involved in micro-finance schemes as they generally do not have the skills and resources to do this. Their role is to identify needs and encourage institutions and private sector players to intervene.
Provision of micro and managed workspace
This is one of the most effective ways to assist new businesses, especially when tied to technical and administrative support and mentoring programs. Livelihood programs for mothers and unemployed individuals shall be promoted. The workplace is highly assisted, and the output, generally comprising products made of abundantly sourced raw materials, shall be sold across the country through the assistance of Department of Trade and Industry and their OTOP program (One Town, One Product).
Providing technical advice on business management
Someone establishing a business for the first time needs to know how to produce his or her product. They must also understand finance, business planning, marketing, some aspects of the law including employment, taxation, safety at work, environmental legislation and so on. The provision of training and support in these areas meets a basic need and can be provided through one stop shops or independent advisers. As in most areas of technical assistance, it is better for the Local Authority to enable the provision of these services rather than provide them itself, again an issue of skills and resources. Charging for these services can be difficult, and some agencies give a limited number of consultations and then make modest charges thereafter.
Supporting the establishment and implementation of formal and informal business networks
People learn from each other. Networks facilitate that learning. Active involvement in business networking is also important for developing a customer base, acquiring intelligence for expanding businesses as well as developing collaborative relationships with businesses in the same sector.
Conducting business mentoring programs
Good practice suggests that by linking new and small business owners with established businesses, significant benefits can result for both businesses. These need not be formal networks. In addition, informal networks of mentors and new businesses can create further benefits by developing supplier linkages, establishing critical mass for specialist training and so on.
Promoting foreign direct and domestic inward investment
Promoting foreign direct and inward investment means to attract businesses to the municipality of Bombon from elsewhere in the country and even from other countries.
Attracting large manufacturing and service sector employers into communities is one of the most difficult, frustrating and riskiest of all LED (Local Economic Development) strategies. This is partly because there are far fewer investors than there are communities trying to attract them. Also many communities, including those practicing third-wave strategies, are prepared to offer massive incentives to inward investors. Foreign direct investors often prefer Greenfield, edge-of-town sites to accommodate these wishes; communities often over-ride their planning policies in order to attract the investment. This brings with it considerable problems, contributes to urban sprawl, transportation problems, to name just a few problems. Careful consideration should be given to the costs and benefits of attracting inward investors.
Some of the issues inward investors review when locating a business include: (1) A stable macro-economic climate; (2) A stable political and regulatory environment; (3) Market access and open competition; (4) A welcoming environment (5) Available sites and or premises; (6) Appropriate and available and reliable utilities and transportation; (7) Available skilled workforce; (8) Local suppliers and resource availability; (10) Appropriate education, training and research facilities; (11) A good quality of life, especially when bringing ex-patriots; (12) Manageable regulation and taxation systems; and (13) Incentive schemes. All these lie on proper management of the municipal government and proper allotment and execution of its economic development strategies.
The benefits when success is achieved can be great. Besides direct employment, an increase in the tax base and indirect employment, there are potential wins for the local community through up-skilling of the workforce, increases in wages, and opportunities for local SMEs that supply and buy from these investors.
Inward investment strategies are likely to be most successful when:
• They form a small part of a broad LED strategy
• The community has the appropriate hard and soft infrastructure in place or available to support the likely investments
• Targeted investments fit the competitive advantage of the receiving community, (normally a sector/cluster approach is likely to be most successful)
• Marketing strategies are carefully prepared, budgets are appropriate and follow up procedures are in place
• Incentive programs are considered, varied and not excessive (for example, funding to help local workers to upgrade their skills)
• Staff involved in attracting strategic investors have an understanding of investment needs and what their community has to offer
• Opportunities for local businesses are optimized through careful after care programs. This means that when a new investor is attracted to a community every opportunity is taken, on an ongoing basis, to encourage the investor to source their supplies locally, enabling supply chain advantages to be exploited locally. This is most successfully achieved through developing an investor after care program. These programs are aimed at ensuring investors are happy and that they are given every opportunity to source their inputs from the local community.
Investment in hard infrastructure
Investment in hard infrastructure involves investing in improving the built environment for businesses thereby making it more attractive for business retention, expansion and recruitment. Programs and projects in line with this do not solely consider the development of the municipality but the development of other municipalities within the region. As such, the programs in line with these include:
• Building or improving key access roads
• Improving the railway for passenger and goods services
• Developing, improving and/ or expanding the local airport
• Developing, improving and/or expanding the local port
• Developing improving and/or expanding industrial sites and buildings:. This could include anything from planting a few trees to comprehensive landscaping or building entire new science parks.
• Developing improving and/or expanding commercial sites and buildings (for shops and offices)
• Increasing the availability of industrial and potable water
• Improving and /or expanding the sewerage disposal system
• Improving and expanding the telecommunications systems
• Improving and expanding the energy systems
• Environmental enhancements
• Crime prevention equipment installation.
Investment in soft infrastructure
Investment in soft infrastructure involves investing in improving the commercial environment for businesses. Programs and projects include:
Enabling or providing skills training
In communities where enterprise has not been a key priority, then enterprise training could be targeted. There is an almost universal need for information technology (IT) skills training too. Wherever possible this should be linked to education programs in schools. The provision of skills training should be demand-led, i.e. training should be provided in response to employer skills needs.
Providing business advisory services
Depending on budgets, this service could start with one person who just points people in the right direction, for example, to lenders, to skills training and so on. Clear sign-posting is the key to good business advisory services. Good practice points to 'one stop shops' as an effective way of providing technical and financial support. Effective one stop shops are usually housed in one building where local businesses may access all technical support that they need. Good practice also points to these facilities offering a one-stop service center for all local authority legal and regulatory issues as well as business issues. These services are often housed in buildings that have become redundant because of structural change. Sometimes the one stop shop facility is also used to house incubator or managed work or office space, thus generating cost savings.
The provision of access to capital and finance
At the most basic level, this could be a sign posting service where businesses are directed to potential sources of finance. Local Authorities rarely become involved in detailed advice to businesses on funding issues as these services are provided by specialist institutions.
Supporting the development of business and trade associations
This is a basic institution building process that could bring considerable benefits to the business community and LED efforts. Ideally all towns and cities should have a number of these organizations including Chambers of Commerce, Boards of Trade etc. Also more specific groups can be supported such as town center promotion groups, sector activities such as a tourism marketing group or an exporters club. Most are likely to initially need some 'pump-priming' funding (i.e. initial funding to get the scheme started) and capacity building support.
In the education sector, emphasis will be on equipping students, especially at primary school level with basic knowledge and skills to enable them function as competent and productive citizens; to provide academic basis for gainful employment in the informal, private and public sectors; and to produce high quality professionals with relevant knowledge. The core principle is to achieve the following:

• Having adequate teaching and learning materials
• Training of teachers, and
• Constructing of appropriate classrooms.
Providing increased business focused education and access to education
The more schools can do to prepare young people for the world of work the better. Programs could include: work ethics, information technology, basic entrepreneurship education and then perhaps sector studies where students can study key business sectors of importance to their communities. Meanwhile adult literacy is a major problem that needs addressing through LED education and outreach strategies.
Supporting research and development
This can be done through collaborative projects between businesses and institutions of higher learning. Perhaps a local research fund could be established, or even a graduate placement program, where new graduates can pass on their skills to local businesses.
Targeting disadvantaged groups
Targeting disadvantaged groups means that measures are targeted at groups of individuals such as ethnic minority groups, the urban poor, women, redundant workers, the long-term unemployed and youths. Programs and projects include:
• Language training: This is a key issue where there are groups of foreign workers and minority communities. Outreach programs are often successful here.
• Skills retraining and job placement programs: Skills retraining should be done with a demand led approach. There is little point retraining individuals in skill areas for which there is no local demand.
• Raising educational achievement: This is usually an issue for an entire city, but specific communities may be in need of extra support
• Enterprise training: Many disadvantaged groups have both high unemployment and a large proportion of workers in the informal sector. Basic training in terms of business management, finance and marketing can have a significant impact on these communities.
• Women into employment and self-employment programs: including confidence building, crèches, after-school clubs
• Micro enterprise lending programs: This area of activity is also well suited to assisting disadvantaged groups to access self employment.
• Work experience and teacher/pupil placement schemes: These schemes involve students working for short periods of time in businesses to gain work experience and a work ethic. Teachers can also do this, so giving them a better understanding of workplace requirements.
• Developing mentor programs: Mentor programs can be very informal, it is a way of helping individuals start their own business, the idea is that more experienced business people mentor new starts and give them support, encouragement and ideas.
• Health awareness programs: It is usually the most disadvantaged that suffer from the worst health. AIDS and drug misuse are deeply concerning at this time. Besides the direct effects on individuals, poor health becomes a serious limiting factor when accessing work. Health awareness programs can be closely targeted at for example, specific schools, communities and so on. They may also be delivered through community resource centers.
• Development of community resource centers: The purpose of these centers is to gather together in a local community information, support and services to meet the needs of a local community. Since transport is often a problem, and since many individuals do not like to go into 'official looking' buildings, community centers can provide an ideal place to meet local needs. Buildings do not need to be sophisticated, the most important element is to make sure staff are customer friendly and have an understanding of the services that are available. Services can include everything from health care, education services, business advice to paying taxes, play areas for children and so on.
Improving delivery of local government services to businesses
This is a key area as businesses are not only the drivers of the local economy, they are also potential ambassadors. A happy business person may well be able to attract more businesses to the area. All aspects of a regulations, taxation and licensing are candidates for review to minimize cost, time and frustration for businesses, whilst maintaining appropriate necessary environmental and related standards.
Social inclusion strategies
A first stage should be to establish who and where the most vulnerable communities are, and then develop strategies to include them. These strategies could include, for example, language programs for ethnic minority communities, helping women into/back to work, encouraging the recruitment of disabled people into the workplace, encouraging social activities for the very young and elderly citizens.
Crime prevention measures
These can include everything from introducing 'good citizenship' classes into the school curriculum, to developing initiating after-school activities to keep young people busy. Other initiatives could include everything from drug free zones to imposing curfews at night. The residents of the municipality must participate and learn to value these measures not as a way to limit their way of life, but a way to fully achieve a peaceful and crime-free environment.
Cluster and/or sector development
Cluster development means that LED initiatives are concentrated on encouraging and supporting inter-firm collaboration, institutional development and support in targeted industrial sectors. These sectors are those that offer the most local economic development potential. These cluster strategies are undertaken within a broader LED strategy that would normally include the standard approaches. Programs and projects include:
Developing broker and network agencies: Special attention is paid to encouraging local people engaged in the same cluster to meet together to enable business development opportunities. These could include encouraging local fishermen and fish processors to meet and exchange ideas on improving facilities and adding more value to their products, so they would all benefit. Another example could be to start a craft network. The network could jointly market their goods, and then start inter-trading with each other, building synergies.
Supporting joint research: Institutions of higher learning can undertake research that could benefit all in the cluster. One example of this would be to undertake research into minimizing losses from post-harvest losses of agricultural products.
Developing cluster focused public procurement and local purchasing agreements: The public sector is often the largest buyer in a city and as such there are opportunities to enable local businesses to access tender processes more easily. It is often difficult for small businesses, in a cluster or not, to bid for large government contracts. A cluster initiative here could include developing a food supplier network to supply government catering needs. A logical cluster development initiative could be to encourage suppliers of basic food products to enter into some form of food processing. Cluster development activities could then move on to transportation, storage and packaging of food products. From there it is likely businesses could start retailing and producing processed foods for the private sector.
Providing cluster specific information: One of the most effective ways of developing a cluster is to gather information about businesses and institutional support systems in the cluster, and then produce it so that it can be shared. Thereafter, with a small amount of effort, supplier linkages can be developed. These do not need to be sophisticated.
Developing cluster related marketing efforts: Once a cluster has been identified and it starts developing, there are opportunities to promote it and attract supporting investment as well as promoting business opportunities externally for cluster members.
Developing demand-led skills and education training programs: A significant benefit to developing a cluster initiative is that a key outcome of business networking will be an appreciation of skills needs in the sector. When a number of businesses express needs, it is more likely that training or education will be provided. A lone voice is not likely to be taken as seriously.
Area targeting
Area targeting means that strategies are developed to address specific site or small area LED issues. While most LED initiatives can be targeted at specific locations, 'area targeting' examines a specific area within a municipality to address a specific area based problem such as a redundant factory, declining shopping area, a slum and so on. Although many LED initiatives are aimed at ensuring that the entire city becomes more competitive, there are normally areas that need special attention for one reason or another. An example could be a run-down town center, an abandoned factory complexes, a redundant port complex or similar. For these situations, special measures are called for.
Town center enhancement schemes
These can include a wide range of initiatives including developing a business partnership, marketing the town center, undertaking surveys and upgrading the physical environment, targeting investment and so on. A vital and vibrant town center is the heart of an areas' ability to be competitive.
Developing industrial estates, business parks or science parks
This type of activity is normally undertaken by the private sector, however mayors and city managers can pave the way by establishing a demand for such a facility and encouraging an enabling environment within the local authority. Investing in servicing sites with water, electricity and sewerage is expensive, so is building speculative advance factory units (where no tenant has been identified). Because of these reasons local authorities are encouraged to seek private sector investment in this area.
Encouraging investment into growth nodes
One strategy to encourage growth is to identify specific areas within a city where certain types of businesses will be encouraged to locate. A growth node may then act as the center for planned growth and employment.
Encouraging investment into corridors
These are similar to nodes but here growth is encouraged to expand from an area of promising economic activity out towards a more challenging area. By encouraging incremental investment, the aim is to develop an active growth corridor linking richer and poorer areas, so reducing social and economic exclusion.
Regeneration strategies
Regeneration strategies are targeted at communities that have normally suffered from structural change, perhaps a major industry closing or a rural area in decline or a town center suffering from neglect and crime. The implementation of effective regeneration programs and the tackling of social and economic disadvantage represent two of the major challenges facing contemporary policy makers. Regeneration strategies go some way to meet these challenges. They use all the tools available but because an area is in need of regeneration specific, community focused and often highly targeted policy responses are usually needed. Regeneration strategies are likely to be the most challenging, the most expensive, take the longest time and be the most necessary activity a local authority is likely to undertake.
Programs and projects include:
Derelict site reclamation programs
Many traditional industries were housed on large sites. They occupied large buildings and frequently considerable contamination of the sites resulted. As a first step in most regeneration programs these major issues need to be tackled. Decisions need to be made on whether buildings can be effectively reused, how much contamination needs to be cleared and what after-use programs need to be established. None of this is easy or cheap. But contaminated sites, besides being a danger to local communities are never likely to bought by reputable employers. They have to be addressed. A comprehensive brownfield reclamation program needs to be established within the LED strategy when this is an issue. This could include an initial survey of sites, identification of severity of pollution, identification of ownership, prioritizing reclamation, finding funds for it, developing after-use programs and ensuring regulatory systems encourage reclamation.
Adaptation of disused buildings
In some instances redundant buildings will be able to be adapted for further use such as for a managed workspace, which can be owned by the public or private sector. Some buildings may benefit from splitting into smaller workspaces. Some of the most historic buildings are often the hardest to reclaim, this should not stop efforts to save all buildings of historic or architectural importance.
Industrial and commercial site preparation
In most regeneration programs there will be a need to develop some land for incoming and expanding businesses. To accommodate these most effectively, it is better to have some sites serviced with basic infrastructure at the outset, if this is possible. At least there should be some assessment of the likely costs and timescales involved in installing basic infrastructure. There is significant expenditure involved with this, so partnerships with the private sector are ideal.
Retraining of redundant workers
This is a serious problem in most communities that are undergoing structural readjustment. The likely target populations will be older men who have clearly defined skills sets. The challenge is to ensure that skills training is given on a demand-led basis. This is hard, and there are no easy solutions especially as there is likely to be high unemployment in the community at large.
Job search and employment outreach
One of the most difficult areas is for redundant workers to find a new job. This is often because they do not know basic job search skills (such as where to find opportunities), these programs can be very effective and involve everything from confidence building, resume writing, interview skills to matching unemployed with potential employers.
Street scene enhancement programs
Rapid improvements can be made with programs to improve the street scene. These may include closing streets to traffic and installing pedestrian friendly street furniture, planting trees and installing new pavements. More modest schemes include painting shops, installing attractive street lighting, a few seats, encouraging shop owners to install more attractive overnight shutters to hanging basket competitions. Local businesses may well be encouraged to pay for at least some of these initiatives.
Public park and play provision
Besides improving the environment improved parks and play facilities are likely to reduce the risk of crime, smoking and drug addiction. A start could be establishing open, traffic free areas where children can play safely.
Community confidence building
This can include many measures such as promoting local success stories, encouraging the community to develop its own newsletter, to developing arts and crafts initiatives and so on.
Crime and safety measures
These measures can include a wide range of activities from increased policing, installation of closed circuit television, increased bus services at night, neighborhood watch schemes, installation of more lights in dark streets, and so on.
Energy Generation and Supply

Energy is a crucial input into any industrial processing and serves as the life-blood for any economy. The core of the security of energy and supply is to reduce the number and duration of blackouts, increase access to reliable, affordable electricity in rural areas and other targeted areas, improve coordination and the balance between the needs for energy and those of other high growth sectors,

a. Improvement in Water transport

The key medium term outcome for water transport is improved inland shipping network that is active in local and international shipping, trade and tourism in a safe manner while protecting the environment.

Prevention and Management of Nutrition Problems

In the medium term, efforts will focus on ensuring effective utilization of quality food and the biological utilization of nutrients in the body; reduced levels of malnutrition among all Bombon residents; reduced incidences and cases of dietary related non-communicable diseases and micro-nutrient disorders; and increased productivity and availability of food crops. Key strategies include enhancing coordination of nutrition programs, building capacity for nutritionists and dieticians, and community nutrition workers.

Economic Empowerment

The productivity of rural communities and businesses will increase to enhance employment and income especially by increasing number of women and youths who actively participate in economic activities. Key strategies include: targeting infrastructure development to ensure that rural communities are linked to markets; developing rural cooperatives to lower transaction costs and helping communities with collective bargaining; strengthening the policy environment for micro-finance, including improved coordination of donor programs; offering vocational and other training for small businesses; and targeting women’s participation in economic growth activities.

Land and Housing

The MGDS recognizes the importance of land as a basic factor of production as well as the sole source of livelihood for the majority of Filipinos. However, inadequate access to land by majority of Filipinos has been identified as one of the critical factors contributing to poverty in the country. The goal in the long term is to ensure tenure security and equitable access to land for the attainment of broad-based social and economic development through optimum and ecologically balanced use of land and land- based resources. It is expected that in the medium term there will be an efficient use of land and land based resources and equitable access to land by all productive Malawians and other investors.

Social Protection & Disaster Risk Management

Protecting the most vulnerable will require action on four fronts namely:

• Caring for the most vulnerable with limited factors of production (Malnourished under-five children, school-going children, orphans, pregnant and lactating mothers, and destitute families);
• Preventing the vulnerable from slipping into poverty due to economic shocks;
• Increasing the assets of the poor to enable them to engage in economic development activities; and
• Preventing disasters where possible and mitigating the negative impact of disasters on the vulnerable.

Protection of the vulnerable is designed to ensure that the most vulnerable people with limited factors of production are sufficiently cushioned through programs to improve health and nutritional status of under-five children, school-age children, orphans, pregnant and lactating mothers and destitute families. The strategy will also focus on improving planning and integration of knowledge on the needs of the chronically poor; provision of opportunities for the poor farmers and rural communities to graduate from poverty by facilitating their integration in mainstream agricultural productivity and enabling them to accumulate wealth.

Health and Population: Improving health requires a multifaceted

This is an approach with a combination of preventive, educational and clinical measures. Its key strategies include: increasing and retaining the number of well qualified health personnel; increasing availability and supply of drugs and preventing theft of drugs and equipment; improving health facilities and equipment; and improving financial management, monitoring and supervision of health care services.


Good governance requires action on seven fronts as follows:
• Achieving and sustaining macroeconomic growth,
• Strengthening public policy formulation and implementation in a transparent and responsive manner,
• Improving service delivery and accountability at the local level through decentralization,
• Developing a strong justice system and rule of law,
• Ensuring personal security,
• Establishing an institutional setting for good corporate governance, and
• Promotion of human rights.


The objectives of advertising Municipality of Bombon are as follows:
1. To recognize the place as another Bikol landmark, and be known for its religious activities
2. To help make businesses in the place prosper
3. To eradicate sheer poverty in the place
4. To provide income to the national government through tourism
5. To open an opportunity for additional employment
6. To let Filipinos appreciate the beauty and historic appeal of Bombon

The beneficiaries of the advertising campaign would be trimmed down to the following:
1. Residents of Bombon as a whole

The ad campaign would create a positive impact on the lifestyle of the Bombon residents. With the tourists coming in, they will be assured that their business that caters directly towards the satisfaction of the tourist customers would prosper. Simply put, this would have an immediate impact on the income of each individual in the said place. As such, it would improve their way of living; thus, slowly eradicating sheer poverty.

a. Residents of Bombon engaged in trade or business
The ad campaign wishes to increase the sales of products of Bombon up to 50%. Products of Bombon that are worthy if promotion and advertisement include souvenir items (such as keychains, wallets, baskets, etc.) made of native raw materials such as abaca and coconut husks; T-shirts with “bombon” prints; and of course Bikol’s distinct food products such as kakanins (suman, bibingka, palitaw and puto) and the spicy delicacy called Bikol express.
It would also have a great impact on the canteens and other food chains. By coordinating with the Department of Tourism in Bikol, the Municipality of Bombon shall be the place where tourists would take their meals after visiting various places in Camarines Sur. This can be done by appealing to schedule in their tour packages the tourists’ time for Bombon by noontime. This will surely develop Bombon food businesses.
b. Ordinary Residents of Bombon
Even though they are just residents of Bombon without act of pursuing an economic undertaking to achieve income, they will still benefit with the success of the project. It may be direct or indirect (beautification of the scenery, establishment of better roads and construction of essential facilities).
c. Transportation Vehicles
Pursuing the project opens an opportunity to PUJ (Public Utility Jeepneys) drivers, tricycle drivers and even pedicab drivers to increase their sales. Thanks to the project, Bombon will soon be recognized as a landmark, thus, a lot of people, with the knowledge about such, will utilize transport vehicles to reach and visit the said place. Drivers will then be servicing not just the regular passengers who are actually residents of Bombon and Calabanga but also those foreign tourists who are attracted by the advertising campaigns established. It is expected that through the help and support of the government, these vehicles will be set into a higher standard- cleaner and more sophisticated. Naga City residents and other Filipino people may still want to visit Bombon to be fascinated and proud with the distinct feature of the place. This would add up to their sales. Let us think optimistic that in the long-run, the number of vehicles today will not be sufficient to cater to the increase in employment, making a positive impact on economic growth.
There is a mutual relationship between these vehicles and Bombon residents. It is mutual, in the sense that, these vehicles are one of the mediums to reach out to the travelers. Sticker and posters shall be posted on these vehicles by the agreement with vehicle organizations.

2. Municipality of Bombon Government and Philippine Economy

Advertisement and Promotion would help increase the number of tourist coming in with the place. This would challenge the local government to improve the implementation of their public service programs, and perhaps these may even challenge them to change some system flows. The government is tasked to keep up with the ad campaign being pursued- it needs to allot budget or funds to keep up with the developments needed as an investment to attract tourists to come over the place. With limited fund, they must make good decisions of allocating them to improve Bombon as a whole.
It also needs to provide funds probably from sponsorships of private business enterprise to make religious activities, such as processions more colorful.
The program also has a direct effect on the economic growth of the Philippines. The reason is quite obvious. The effects can be summarized as follows:
1. Increase in employment
2. Sales from Tourism
3. Increase in the Number of Business enterprises
Basically, the government can raise revenue from the tourists, improving the Philippine Economic situation. Even though this is true, the government must still work really hard to support the project especially to MAINTAIN the tourists coming in. Tourists are still consumers that must always be satisfied and impressed with how Filipinos treat them especially with the Philippines abundance of natural scenic areas. When they go back to their respected countries, their telling of experience with the Philippines to their friends and relatives would create a chain reaction or a bond wagon appeal. Through word-of-mouth of fully satisfied tourists to another prospective tourist, more and more will come to see Philippines’ natural beauty. Philippines have several amazing, natural, and historical landmarks, not just Bombon, but all over the country-all waiting to be explored by the world. We, Filipinos must learn to develop and preserve them for these are natural treasures. The key value that we must all practice is to keep them coming back by securing their trust and keeping them completely satisfied.
Therefore, the success of the advertising program does not rely on the government alone. All Filipinos must take part with the program to assure its success.

Agriculture and Food Security

Agriculture is the single most important sector of the economy as it employs about 80 percent of the workforce, and contributes over 80 per cent of foreign exchange earnings. Above all it also contributes significantly to national and household food security. The goal is therefore to increase agriculture’s contribution to economic growth, by not only increasing production for food security, but also for agro-processing and manufacturing for both domestic and export markets.
Agricultural Productivity
It is expected that value adding and smallholder productivity will be increased while orienting smallholders to greater commercialization and international competitiveness. The strategy also envisages increased livestock production to meet domestic demand. Key strategies include:
• contract farming
• strengthening linkages of farmers to markets
• creating a balance between domestic and export oriented markets and provide effective extension services.
The medium term expected outcomes for agro-processing are focused on palays, sugar, root crops and wheat.


by Michael Arevalo

To discuss comprehensively the significance of the topics in information systems which were reported and discussed last February 22 in the business operation of the firm.
To be able to establish the direct link to the achievement of the organizational goals and cite specific instances to support claims.


Data resource management refers to the managerial activity that applies information systems technologies like database management, data warehousing, and other data management tools to the task of managing an organization’s data resources to meet the information needs of their business stakeholders. It refers to the understanding of how data resources are managed in information systems, and how managerial implications of basic concepts and appreciation of database management are analyzed.
Data is a vital organizational resource, which needs to be managed like other important business assets. Most organizations could not survive or succeed without quality data about their internal operations and external environment. Managers need to practice Data Resource Management a managerial activity that applies information systems technology and management tools to the task of managing an organization's data resources to meet the information needs of business users.
Foundation Data Elements
A hierarchy of several levels of data has been devised to differentiate between the most simple groupings or elements of data, and more complex data elements. Data are logically organized into:
• Character
A character is the most basic logical data element. It consists of a single alphabetic, numeric, or other symbol.
A field consists of a grouping of characters. A data field represents an attribute (a characteristic or quality) of some entity (object, person, place, or event).
• Record
A record represents a collection of attributes that describe an entity.
A group of related records is known as a data file, or table. Files are frequently classified by the application for which they are primarily used (employee files). Files are also classified by their permanence - (l) Transaction files contain records of all transactions occurring during a period, (2) Master files contain a permanent record.
Is an integrated collection of logically related records or files. A database consolidates records previously stored in separate files into a common pool of data records that provides data for many applications. The data stored in a database is independent of the application programs using it and of the type of secondary storage devices on which it is stored.

The Database Management Approach
The development of databases and database management software is the foundation of modern methods of managing organizational data. In the Database Management Approach, data records are consolidated into databases that can be accessed by many different application programs. Meanwhile, the Database Management Software serves as a software interface between users and databases. Thus, database management involves the use of database management software to control how databases are created, interrogated and maintained to provide information needed by end users and their organizations. The database management approach involves three basic activities:
1) Updating and maintaining common databases to reflect new business transactions and other events requiring changes to an organization's records.
2) Providing information needed for each end user's application by using application programs that share the data in common databases.
3) Providing an inquiry/response and reporting capability.
Benefits and Limitations of Database Management:
The database management approach provides managerial end users with several important benefits such as (1) reduce the duplication of data, (2) integrate data so that they can be accessed by multiple programs and users, (3) programs are not dependent on the format of the data and the type of secondary storage hardware being used, (4) users are provided with an inquiry/response and reporting capability that allows them to easily obtain information they need without having to write computer programs, (5) computer programming is simplified, because programs are not dependent on either the logical format of the data or their physical storage location, (6) integrity and security of the data stored in databases can be increased, since access to data and modification of the database are controlled by database management system software, a data dictionary, and a database administrator function.
The limitations of database management arise from:
l. Its increased technological complexity.
2. Development a large database and installing a DBMS can be difficult and expensive.
3. More hardware capability is required, since storage requirements for the organization's data, overhead control data, and the DBMS programs are greater.
4. Longer processing times may result from high-volume transaction processing applications since an extra layer of software (the DBMS) exists between application programs and the operating system.
5. If an organization relies on centralized databases, their vulnerability to errors, fraud, & failures are increased.
6. If an organization relies on distributed databases problems of inconsistency of data can arise.
Database Administration
Database administration is an important data resource management function responsible for the proper use of database management technology. Database administration has more operational and technical responsibilities than other data resource management functions. This includes responsibility for:
l. Developing and maintaining the organization's data dictionary
2. Designing and monitoring the performance of databases
3. Enforcing standards for use and security.
Data Planning:
Data planning is a corporate planning and analysis function that focuses on data resource management. It includes the responsibility for developing an overall data architecture for the firm's data resources that ties in with the firm's strategic mission and plans, and the objectives and processes of its business units. Data planning is a major component of an organization's strategic planning process. It shows that an organization has made a formal commitment to long-range planning for the strategic use and management of its data resources.

Data Administration:
Data administration is another data resource management function. It involves the:
l. Establishment and enforcement of policies and procedures for managing data as a strategic corporate resource.
2. Collection, storage, and dissemination of all types of data are administered in such a way that data become a standardized resource available to all end users in the organization.
3. Focuses on the planning and control of data in support of an organization's business functions and strategic business objectives
4. Establishment of a data planning activity for the organization.
5. Developing policies and set standards for corporate database design, processing, and security arrangements, and to select database management and data dictionary software.


Established companies (and government agencies) with poor information architecture and a lack of an overall vision for the use of information technology, will probably never "start-over" when it comes to how they manage data and knowledge. It is very important that the business is able to make use of an effective database management system to aid the business processes. The real importance of the database is more than just reliable data storage, but company security and assurance that the business operation will be fast and easy. The records of the customers’ profile for instance serve as the company’s basis in each transaction and thus, further make conducting business easier.
Data and knowledge management specialist have very important jobs and they should start being recognized as major contributors to their company's ability to be profitable and successful.

For instance, it has been a known fact that business unit managers report their financial performance to senior management regularly, usually monthly. The formal report consists of a comparison of actual revenues and costs and also the budgeted amounts. The differences, or variances, between these two amounts can be analyzed at several levels of detail. This analysis identifies the causes of the variance from budget profit and the amount attributed to each cause. Although it may seem be true that some companies focus on the performance by comparing the actual with the budget, competent operating manages nevertheless must adopt a continuous improvement or kaizen mentality; a company therefore should not assume the optimal performance as “the budget”.
A clear analysis of the budget is facilitated by database system. As such, budget formulation is justified through comparison with previous budgets reflecting on the company database. Variances are analyzed to be able to see the company’s efficiency in allocating its resources to ultimately meet its objectives. One application of this way of control is with regards to company’s with more than one product categories. Each category or product line is analyzed in the context of its cost of production, the variable and fixed cost plus other expenses, the unit cost, the level of supply and raw materials, the labor force, the selling price and the prevailing market price of the product in the same industry. The company analyzes by putting emphasis in each product categories and the factors that are vital in its selling and production. Each product are then compared with the data of those unrelated product lines to effectively analyze the performance of each. A company could not say that it is having an income of 50M when in fact one of its product lines is at net loss and just being compensated by the income of those other products of the company. Therefore, the company could have reached higher income if only it has better control over the product that is of net loss. That is where management control comes in.
Likewise, database system facilitates the record-keeping of essential data, one of which is the data regarding customer profile. A company must be able to keep records of potential customers and past customers. This is done to assess the order taking process, the efficiency of marketing campaigns that draw customers to place orders and the overall company performance. Market analysis and security, anticipation of possible complaints as to services and products purchased and of course, the general record of each customer’s purchases per unit of time, are also considerable factors.
As to goals, database system enhances the company performance that leads to better pursuance of the company goals. Company growth is better attained when the entire business process is backed by reliable control systems in different areas of the business environment- internal and external. Both short-term and long-term goals are easily attained when an effective control system, such as the database system, is used and perfectly facilitated. Competition is no longer just about who has got a better marketing campaign, better image, and better products. Today, the scope of competition lies in the internal processes being implored by the company. The ones with more effective and advanced process stand at a greater advantage. Thus, today, the efficiency of the company lies on effective control.


E-business refers to the use of the Internet and other networks and information technologies to support the business. This involves cross-functional E-business systems and functional E-business System. Under Cross Functional E-business system, there are:
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)- a system that serves as a framework to integrate and automate many of the business process that must be accomplished within the manufacturing, logistics, distribution, accounting, finance and human resources function of the business.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)- used information technology to create functional system that integrates many of the customers serving processes in sales, marketing, and product services that interact with a company customer.
.Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)- the software enables the users to model the business processes involved in the interaction that should occur between business applications. It provides middleware that performs data conversion and coordination, application communication and messaging service.
Supply Chain Management (SCM)- it is the interrelationships with other businesses needed to build and sell a product make up a network of a business relationship.
Transaction Processing system (TPS)- a system that process data resulting from the occurrence of business transactions such as sales, purchases, deposits, withdrawals, refund and payments,

Functional E-business System

It is a variety of types of information systems such as transaction processing, management information, decision support, and others to support:
Marketing Systems- the business function of marketing is concerned with the planning, promotion and sales of existing products existing in the market, and the development of new products and new markets to better serve present and potential customers.
Manufacturing System- support the production/operation function that includes all activities concerned with the planning and control of the processes producing goods and services.
Human Resource Management (HRM)- involves the recruitment, placement, evaluation, compensation and development of the employees of an organization.
A company with an electronic business system related to supply chain management is a company capable of fast assessment of the supplier capability to render supplies at any point in time, the lead time, the quality of services, and some other flaws related in any of the whole process of order, delivery and production.

E-commerce refers to the use of the internet to market a product or services. It is usually seen on the sides of the webpages in the World Wide Web. Today, a huge number of companies are resorting to the use of the internet to advertise their products because statistics prove that more and more people in the population are already making use of the internet. Thus, Internet is the cheapest and fastest way to capture the market and relay company message. The objectives of the most e-commerce project are the following:
1. To maximize the use of the web to spread the information about the product.
2. To make use of the internet as a medium to reach out to consumers and to acquire product awareness.
3. To make use of the proposed website as the major instrument for trading to the global market
4. To make use of the site as a marketing strategy- an advantageous way to overcome its present local and international competitors.
5. To eventually conquer the market through good website- pleasant appearance, and astonishing services.

E-commerce and The Internet
The Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It is a "network of networks" that consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks, which together carry various information and services, such as electronic mail, online chat, file transfer, and the interlinked web pages and other resources of the World Wide Web (WWW).
The low cost and nearly instantaneous sharing of ideas, knowledge, and skills has made collaborative work dramatically easier. Not only can a group cheaply communicate and test, but the wide reach of the Internet allows such groups to easily form in the first place, even among niche interests.
The Internet has now become a large market for companies; some of the biggest companies today have grown by taking advantage of the efficient nature of low-cost advertising and commerce through the Internet, also known as e-commerce. It is the fastest way to spread information to a vast number of people simultaneously. The Internet has also subsequently revolutionized shopping—for example; a person can order a CD online and receive it in the mail within a couple of days, or download it directly in some cases. The Internet has also greatly facilitated personalized marketing which allows a company to market a product to a specific person or a specific group of people more so than any other advertising medium.
Examples of personalized marketing include online communities such as MySpace, Friendster, Orkut, Facebook and others which thousands of Internet users join to advertise themselves and make friends online. Many of these users are young teens and adolescents ranging from 13 to 25 years old. In turn, when they advertise themselves they advertise interests and hobbies, which online marketing companies can use as information as to what those users will purchase online, and advertise their own companies' products to those users.
E-commerce on, a Social Network Site
The Friendster mania has invaded the Philippines with a bang. In the past decade, it has grown rapidly capturing the youth market and the young adults. The site, which is a social network in nature, promotes communication among friends even across the various parts of the world. The success of in the Philippine context is attributed to the inherent characteristics of the Filipinos of being highly sociable, even in the virtual sense. The massive entry of technology, particularly with the Internet age, has been fully embraced by the Filipinos as it gives genuine satisfaction once a person is able to reach out to his friends by instant messaging, uploading new sets of pictures in a personal album, publishing blogs, customizing page with different graphics, videos, and other “CSS based html codes”, and also linking the webpage with the other sites. The Friendster mania indeed has been so true in the Filipino community.

Why do people choose Friendster?
There are several reasons why Friendster has grown so massive within the country. Let me site a few:
1. It came at the right time. With the invention of Internet, and even with the invention of the first E-mail program,, by Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith in 1996, the world was able to take a glimpse with the amazing things the Internet can do. The development comes after the limited capacity of the Intranet, a network of computers, especially one using World Wide Web conventions, accessible only to authorized users such as those within a company. The Internet became wider in scope and was able to achieve greater advantage as it makes information access faster and easier. The Internet phenomena has reached the Philippines not long ago), and was able to capture wide array of potentialities. The first attempt was not that successful since there were several constraints as to its use and practicality. With the limited technological capacity of the computer and some equipment in that time, the connection was relatively poor, making Internet access less productive. Aside from such, only a few numbers of Filipinos can afford to purchase equipments related to Internet usage such as the modem, landline connections, etc. In addition, only a few have the knowledge when it comes to Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), World Wide Web URL and domain names, and other essential information the internet access. came perfectly at the time when little by little, more and more Filipinos were learning to appreciate the amazing capacities of the Internet. Aside from Internet search engines and, it paved way to the understanding of the Internet. It was amongst the first website offering social networking, whose nature is very much in line with the core values of the Filipinos of being socially attached.
2. It promotes social connection. The very principle behind the establishment of Friendster is making people feel that they are not alone and that they can easily communicate with friends whenever they want and wherever they are. Friendster lessens the geographical gap, thus, making it easy for people to feel the comfort of having their friends stand beside them with a simple click of the button. It also opens doors in meeting new friends, making them upload photos in a person’s account, making testimonials (aka comments) with the person who owns the site, creating bulletin or posts that can be viewed by the list of friends a person has and many others. The social concern of the site is limitless.
3. The site aims for continuous improvement. The site aims for developing new strategies for continuous improvement. A year ago, the site rearranged the homepage setting. Just recently, the site also implored the web upgrade with the emoticons, “addicted to” box, ‘I’m a fan of” side bar, and many others. Today, the most recent addition to the wide array of services Friendster offers is the FRIENDSTER TO GO, wherein a person can actually
4. The management of a personalized site is easy. With Friendster, it is easy to manage the account. The captions are easy to be understood. The site provides layout premiums for starters (things that do not require knowledge with html codes and CSS codes). Once the form of account information has been filled out, the rest would be easy. Searching for friends and adding them far easier.
5. Has linked with other sites providing certain services. The site is linked with, and other slideshow services. A person can even create a slideshow of all his Friendster photos without manually uploading each picture in the slideshow presentation. Once the html codes (embedded) are generated, the person just has to copy and paste it to his Friendster webpage. It’s as easy as that.
Friendster also has linked with, and other sites providing custom-made templates. Glitter-graphics also provide variety of pictures, GIF files, customized moving graphics, and even backgrounds. These can be posted with the Friendster webpage as a form of design, and may even be used in creating personalized comments with friends.
6. Brings a lot of satisfaction. Friendster provides a lot of satisfaction for some people It gives joy whenever there’s a new friendster request, or new comment post on a person’s account. Some are thrilled with a simple message from a long-lost friend, or from a loved one who have been away for a long time. It brings relief to some believers of horoscope who were guided in their everyday activities because of the horoscope feature of Friendster. And that’s the power of friendster. Now, it’s more than just a site.

Friendster Versus other Social Network sites is also a social network site, but its focus is not highly on webpage customization, and personal comments. . A person can upgrade his account without paying anything, thus, he can rearrange the site setup. Comments are given with every post of the individual. The objective is for one to share music, pictures, sentiments and opinions (through blog posts) and calendar schedule. Once a person posts an entry all his contacts will be notified and has a chance to comment on the entry. The purpose therefore is to share whatever a person feels and not the person himself as a network. Another good thing about multiply is that once the site is closed and a person is logged in, the account automatically logs out as well. There is no risk that other people can access the account. This is contrary to Friendster because in Friendster, you have to make sure that you really have logged out, or else that next user of the computer, once he typed in in the address bar, can actually access your account and make a mess out of it. is another social network site but has a really complex structure. The updates on new services is relatively low, in fact, improvement could hardly be seen. The whole homepage bar is colored white and could not be customized. The webpage for profile can neither be customized. There were a few templates, though, but it is so plain and less attractive.
Perhaps the greatest failure in all social network sites I know, has had a chat room, mobile services and adding of friends. However, it was not as effective as Friendster. The site was gone a few months before and I think it no longer exists. I like the color though.. Black and dark blue. Yeah!
If there’s one thing that matches the effectively of Friendster, it would be myspace. It is a social network site predominantly used in the United States. Although there are lesser number of Filipinos engaged in Myspace than in Friendster, the site offers a lot of advantages. There are a number of customized webpage to choose from. Also, there are a lot of people who could entertain you, mostly are foreigners. The only risk is if you would have a sexual addict as a friend or a pervert (sorry for the
This is also a social network site but its focus is on blog entries. Searching friends is quite difficult because a person can actually change his username (reflected on the site URL) whenever he wants to. Adding friends is neither possible. The only good thing about the site is the fact that you can share your ideas and people could comment on it with whatever they want.
This is one of the latest sites I have discovered. The site offers a great deal of advantages. It gives a free webpage for everyone where one can actually post whatever they want. The problem lies on the customization. There are a lot of toolbars that a person needs to familiarize with. Customization may be possible but it necessitates not just creativity but complete understanding with the navigation toolbars. The site settings and setup could not be rearranged. Payment is necessary for premium accounts and the space for advertisement should be displayed as part of the terms of agreement. The space for each post is limited and cannot be enlarged to maximize the space. Photo upload is neither easy.
This is also one of the latest additions in the social network sites. The good thing about the site is that it is linked to the email account and whenever a message is received, or a friend update has been done, it will send an email to notify its member. With the link as part of the email, a person can directly see his Tagged Webpage without really going to the process of logging in. There are wide array of predefined templates to choose from and personal comments are possible to do.
The site offers free and premium accounts for personalized webpage. Basically, a person can do anything with the webpage. The risk however is when it comes to promotion of the site. The site does not promote adding of friends, thus, it all lies on the web developer to think of strategies for people to visit the site. A person can advertise to other site but this usually necessitates a large amount of investment. There are a lot of free upgrade services such as music, mouse pointers, graphics, background, etc. Photo upload is possible. is a social network providing free mobile messaging to contacts. The structure is complex and most of the time does not really work because even though the mobile carrier in the Philippines can be chosen as part of account information, messages cannot be received by the recipient. Aside from such, the site is infested by people characterized by exposing extreme nudity and vulgar wordings on their sites.
A Business Perspective: Why advertise on Friendster?

In the Philippines, large part of the population has invaded the internet world. More and more Filipinos are hooked with As more and more present members add more and more people on their friend lists, the potential of Friendster as the medium to advertise company products becomes bigger.
E-commerce on Friendster is now predominantly seen on the side bar of members’ homepages, profile site, blog page, etc. The mutual connection of the founders and owners of Friendster with individual and full-grown business establishments become so strong that they become partners in improving the services of Friendster. These innovations on the services make the site more capable of company hosting and assistance in business marketing.
Current Advertisers on Friendster: A Personal Observation
The site aims for developing new strategies for continuous improvement through catering to the needs of not just individual Friendster account owners but also to the needs of the businesses at large. Recently, it has advertised Filipino companies along the site. Globe Telecoms, Smart wireless, online purchasing of some items (bundles of roses during valentines), Filipino Films including CD compilations and DVDs, and many others are some of these. It also advertises international ad campaigns for weight loss, and animal protection and ethical treatment (PETA). It also advertises foreign movies and features other business sites.
Management control is indeed of great importance. It is essential that a company must focus on its control systems since it is the key towards attaining the goals set by the company. Through management control, the company is able maximize its resources and detect problems that would hinder company growth. That is the true essence of the management control process.
A company must always be concerned in every part of the business processes. It is very essential that every division must have constant update and be given sufficient attention as to its entire function. An effective management control considers all aspects of the managerial processes, applications, and strategies by analyzing all possible areas that can further be improved. It is essential that the firm is able to effectively make use of its resources to reach the goals to continuous improvement and profit maximization. Analysis of the company performance must show a reliable data that depicts the company’s utilization of assets, the input and output exchanges, labor force participation, and other internal and external activities. Through this, all aspects are seen independently and as a whole to detect areas that needs ample amount of control.
For instance, in period since current strategic plan was prepared, the organization has made capital investment decisions. These decisions usually entails large sum of money and are long-term based, The process of approving proposed capital investments does not follow a set of timetable; senior managers make the decisions as soon the need for them is identified. Planners incorporate in the strategic plan the implications of these decisions, as well as assumptions and guidelines about external forces such as inflation, internal policies, and product pricing.