Thursday, March 20, 2008

My Blitz

One thing that sets me apart from others is my creativity. I have won several painting competitions and poster-making contests (inter-school and regional). My inclination on the art does not end with the usual sketching and expertise in color-combinations. I incorporate art in my literary works and essays. My poems, for all you know, used to be chosen as the best in class by my English and Filipino teachers. (YAbanG) But the truth is, I love making use of too much figurative language which often destroys the whole point of the literary work… (and that, in my own opinion, does not make me a good writer.) I really don’t understand why some, just like my teachers and friends, often get deceived by the highfalutin and flowery words… ^__^

When I was ten, I already knew I was artistically inclined and has superior imaginative skills. I felt that I am bound for something big. Then, I read an article about hieroglyphics. Hieroglyphics pertains to characters in any system of writing in which symbols represent objects (such as tools, animals, or boats) and ideas (such as motion, time, and joy). The word comes from a Greek term meaning 'sacred carving,' which the ancient Greeks used to describe decorative characters carved on Egyptian monuments. The term is now mainly used to refer to the system of writing used by the ancient Egyptians.

The article inspired me to make my own hieroglyphics. I call it Blitz, a word I find really modernized. LOL. Blitz originally comes from BLITZKREIG (in German, “lightning war”), which refers to a swift, sudden, and overwhelming military offensive used by Germany in World War II (1939-1945). The whole concept was inspired from the History discussion of Mrs. Guerrero, my class adviser when I was in Grade Five.

After the class, I went home and started creating the Blitz. From scratch, I began to wonder on cool graphics and characters. I assigned my own symbols to each letter in the English alphabet, each punctuation mark, every number and even all universally understood symbols. These symbols somehow ‘evolved’ over the years… basically, because I sometimes change the symbols corresponding to some characters.

Anyway, I made a screenshot of my Blitz with the hope that someone out there would be interested. I could teach people my language, you know. I am very open to possibility that this could be used as a major theme in a Hollywood blockbuster movie about treasure hunting and decoding symbols on maps and historic tracks. LOL. Okay… I know that’s just too much. I would just have to settle on having my Blitz patented under Microsoft and have it as a computer font style. LOL.

Cool, eh? Just so you know, I write faster in blitz than in the English Alphabet... weird... ^__^