Saturday, April 05, 2008

Her Graduation

I went to the Naga College Foundation to watch Danielle’s graduation. I came there at 6, starving and really exhausted. I had the chance to grab a bite at some of the food vendors inside the campus but, because I have a really strong appetite, two burgers weren’t enough. I constantly sent her text messages even if she seldom sends messages back. We never had a chance to talk after she sat together with the other graduates. Soon, I realized I should follow my instincts and search for her in the massive crowd (redundant?). I considered a really helpful clue: I am wearing a black toga. Sigh. Good thing she mention she’s in the Southeast. Then, I saw her, so beautiful and… uhm… holding a digicam: smelling (?) it, shaking it, and trying to fix it. She didn’t see me as I stared at her for ages. Then I realized why she never really had a chance to send messages back. She’s more concerned about a friend’s problem of broken cameras than me being around. I stared a few moments more. As my hunger raged stronger, I decided to go and let go of the photo opportunity she promised me. I arrived home a quarter before eight. Then, half an hour later, she called… I think I’ve fallen again…