Saturday, November 04, 2006

Are You a Coward?

Certain people we all know in life are cowards. But how do you know if your cowardly or brave? Read this anf ind out.

1. Cowards talk shit about people behind there backs and are to afraid to fess up to let alone say these same things when the person is right there or even to say them to the persons face. Brave People on the other habd talk shit about people behind their backs, to thier faces, and even if they're sitting right there listening. They are not afraid to tell you how they feel. They are also the first one to get shot when the crazy made fun of kid decides to go genocidal.

2. Cowards do not take chances. They dont express themselves and spen their whole lives trying to act "just right" to impress everyone. Brave people take chances. They act the same everywhere and are also the first ones to get fired because they dont know when to shut up.
3. Cowards look at the world only through their own eyes. They don’t see the bad stuff and even if they do they don’t care because they're to afraid of having to give up some comfort to change the world. Brave People see everything and strive to make a change where change is truly needed. They are the ones who have lost in order to have gain, the ones that help the weaker so that they can learn to be strong. They are the ones that will someday save the world as they're helping all the cowards back onto their feet.